Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sarah Palin

I have to say that I have been riding the fence over who to vote for as president in the November election. Martin Sheen, Harrison Ford, Bill Pullman and even Eeyore have crossed my mind as write-in possibilities.

Actually Mike Huckabee would be my president of choice. And if he runs again four years from now, he's my man. Unfortunately that doesn't help me out now.

But then John McCain made what, in my opinion, was a smart move. He chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. I admit that when I first saw his choice I thought, well, Obama's got it in the bag now.

However, the more I hear about Governor Palin, the more impressed I'm getting. Truth be told, I like pretty much everything I've heard about her. Whether it's enough to beat Obama is the question, though.

Guess we'll have to wait and see how all this plays out.

While I tend to be a Democratic supporter at heart, they rarely get my vote when it comes to the office of President. And in this instance, I'm not sure how things would work out with them being the majority in the House and Senate if Obama were to win.

I know people tend to blame the state of the country on the President and, even though some of it is his fault, it's not all his fault. He can't run the country on his own and the sad fact of the matter is, America has gone steadily downhill with an abundance of Democrats on the job, too.

All in all I've been pretty depressed about the upcoming election. Now I feel like there may be the tiniest bit of hope with the introduction of Sarah Palin. I sincerely hope that she's everything she claims to be.

Then again, even if she is, does that mean she can make McCain in to a great president?

What do you think about her and McCain's chances now that he's chosen her as his Vice-President?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

American...or not?

America is in trouble. Once we were a country united. Now we’re a country of White American’s, Black American’s, Hispanic Americans, Asian American’s, Muslim American’s, Japanese American’s... You name it and each race singles themselves out as separate from the whole.
Rather than being just good old fashioned American’s, everyone has to point out their differences. Their allegiances are divided between this, their home, and countries most have never so much as set foot in.

Some who have come here, to America, in an effort to escape the ugliness and violence in the countries of their birth, refuse to embrace the American lifestyle, preferring instead to cling their ’heritage’ and all of its customs, clothing styles and languages for all they’re worth.
It’s almost like they’re saying America is their second choice. The place they’ve had to settle for and they’re not going to do anymore than they have to in order to be here.

I’m sorry but I find that extremely offensive.

Much has been written about people who came from foreign lands, eager to immerse themselves in the American lifestyle. They couldn’t wait to learn the language, to talk like ’us,’ to dress like ’us,’ to be American’s.

Now it’s more important to set themselves apart.

And that, in my opinion, is a big part of the reason that America seems to be falling apart at the seams.

We’ve abolished slavery, given women rights and are making great strides in eliminating discrimination. But for what purpose?

All I see is a nation that seems to be striving for division rather than unity.

And I think our forefathers would turn over in their graves if they could see what’s become of the United States they fought to give us. The United States so many have lost their lives defending.

Is heritage important? Of course it is. We should celebrate who we are, who are ancestors were and let our children know where we’ve come from. But we should stress that everyone living within the borders of this great country, legally anyway, is first and foremost an American.

Stop minimizing what that means by adding to it.

If you’re an American, be an American. If that’s a problem for you, then maybe you need to think about whether you really want to call this place your home.

The United States doesn’t just refer to a huge of piece of land separated by invisible boundaries. It refers to every individual living on that land and within those boundaries.

One Nation under God.

One nation, not many separate nationalities fighting to hold on to their past, all living under the umbrella of laws created to protect the rights those who do feel privileged to be here.

Stop making America your second choice. Stop trying to make America in to something different than what it was intended to be.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not anything but a good old fashioned American. I’m not a German,/French/Canadian American. Or any of a host of other nationalities that may be in my lineage. I don’t care where my great, great, great grandparents came from. All I care about is that they arrived here and, because they did, I’m living in the greatest country on the face of the earth.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Mike Huckabee

There are a lot of people out there who strongly support John McCain or Barack Obama for president. They will defend their candidate to the death.

However, I also believe there are a lot of people like me who would like to see Mike Huckabee in office. So I decided to do something about it.

It may be a waste of my time. It may make me look like a fool. Oh well. It won't be the first time that's happened to me...and it probably won't be the last.

But if you, like me, want to see if we can change history and write in a winner, let people know there's a group of us who are disgusted with with the candidates we're stuck with, a group that wants Mike Huckabee, and a group that wants to vote their conscience.

Get the word out. Take the poll. Leave comments. Let those who stumble on this website know they're in good company!

Let's make Mike Huckabee our next President of the United States!